Andrew John Scobie Andrew John Scobie

Purpose and its Implications in Complex Systems Design

Purpose is the goal against which all future value is measured; the implication of purpose in systems design is one giant nonlinear step further. The network effects of more contemporary systemic designs radically change the speed limits for the rate of change of choice within a system design, and importantly that system of systems that is society. Purpose and intention are the why of human choice. What purpose we can achieve and at what rate is largely determined by our design choices. As choice and physics clearly limit design, design limits choice.

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Andrew John Scobie Andrew John Scobie

An Introduction to Maxwell and his Equations

The vast majority of the world’s electricity reaches consumers through Alternating Current (AC) systems. Maxwell’s Third Equation: Faraday’s law of Induction is essential to all AC systems. We empower our dreams and ambitions through technology that utilises that electric wave. The cleanliness of that AC wave’s form is critical to its stability and value.

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Andrew John Scobie Andrew John Scobie

Free markets and innovation

Growing individual liberty was the common denominator of both the scientific revolution and the market economy; hand in hand they drove the gains of the last 250 years. The ideas of individuals free to innovate delivered us the scientific, technological and economic breakthroughs on which our standard of living is based.

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